
teen blogger

Obsessions, Lately

EXTRASChloe Gordon2 Comments

It’s summer so I obviously have time to waste. And how do I spend this time you ask? By browsing the internet for hours upon hours at a time, of course. It should be obvious at this point that I’m obsessed with the black hole we humans call the internet. And if it’s not obvious, you need to read more of my posts, clearly ;) 

Here are a few of my favorite internet obsessions I’ve discovered lately. 

I’m always on the hunt for casual tees with a twist. You know the shirts you can just throw on but once they’re on you feel cool? I finally found a company that screams casual but still 100% cool and effortless. I need one of each, please. 

I stumbled upon this Tumblr account the other day and I fell in love. The artist creates this cute little paintings with original one liners on each painting. They’re always clever and often thought provoking. Totally worth checking out and giving him a follow. 

Need some Instagram inspo? I’ve (well, actually, Urban Outfitters) has you covered.

I don’t just want this, I literally need this. Need. It’s a must have. 

I’m always on the hunt for the coolest speakers I don’t know what it is about college, but everyone I know has a speaker. Well, everyone but me. I think I might scoop up this speaker before fall rolls around. It’s cute, portable, and the reviews say it’s a goodie.  

It’s summer so obviously, a swimsuit is an essential wardrobe must have. I seriously want every single one in this shop. http://marysiaswim.com

I’m not very good at putting my feelings into words. But this list from NYMag of 10 extremely precise words for emotions you didn’t even know you had helps me immensely. 

Do you have any links I need to know about? If so, share them in the comments pretty please.

Thanks for reading! 

an open letter to the male species

RANDOM STUFFChloe Gordon3 Comments

Let’s talk about boys for a second. I love them, and hate them, they’re annoying, they're flirtatious, they’re good, and they’re bad. Lately, I’ve been having some boy issues. Well, I guess issues isn’t necessarily the right word, but "inconvenience" is more like it. I decided that I should write an open letter to the male species. I figure if just one guy reads this and learns something from this letter, then maybe, just maybe, we can have less of the bad guys (bad being the opposite of a gentleman; a f*ck boy if you will) and more of the good guys, the gentlemen. 

So here it goes. 

Dear the male species,

Girls, however seemingly “complicated” are actually super simple. In fact, in order to woo a lady, one must follow the simple steps outlined below. They aren’t difficult, they’re fairly cheap (and often free), and are almost 100% guaranteed to sweep a girl off her feet, and into your loving arms. So please read the list carefully, bookmark it in your preferred browser, print it and hang it on the mirror you probably so often stare longingly into, or just, simply, read and understand what I’m saying. Please, I beg of you. 

  1. If you like a girl, tell her or at least let her know. Don’t ever just expect a girl to make the first move. If you really want her in your life, you’ll put in the effort to make her part of it. You can text to make the first move or whatever, but this doesn’t mean that you don’t have to talk to her in real life. A text is just an introduction, a real conversation is where you really make the magic happen, so to speak. Nothing compares to a real life “hello” or, you know, an actual conversation. 
  2. When you pick her up to go on a date, walk to her door, ring the bell or knock on the door, and talk to her parents (shake their hands, make small talk about the weather/sports/whatever, ask what time she needs to be home, etc.), and then laugh about how awkward it was afterwards while driving to your date destination. Parents aren’t scary, they just want to get to know the person that is taking their daughter out on a date. Don’t be nervous, just be yourself. 
  3. Plan the date yourself. Don’t ask a girl to come up with the idea. She’ll most likely be happy with anything you plan, girls like it when the guy is in charge. She might be a feminist, but that doesn’t mean that you still can’t plan a date. The movies are great, dinner is great too, but it’s nice to come up with something creative sometimes too. Make her think you put some thought and originality into your plans. Go play glow in the dark putt putt, attend a local farmer’s market, go rock climbing or hiking, or just have a picnic in the park. Creativity = extra points, trust me on that one.  
  4. Always tell her how your feel. If you think about her right when you wake up, shoot her a good morning text. If you think she’s prettier than the entire milky way, please, please, tell her that. On the flip side, if you feel like your relationship isn’t really working out, let her know, preferably not over text. More times that not, I’ve seen guys just stop talking to their girl instead of telling them how they feel. Don’t ever let a girl wonder where you stand with her. It might be hard for you to tell her, but it’s easier than having her mad at you or leaving her upset and sad. 
  5. Be yourself, be honest, and be kind. These don’t really need elaborating… at least I don’t think they do. Just treat your girl with the respect that she so deserves. 

So there you have it. Five, relatively easy, ways to become (or remain) a gentleman. Please try them out and see what happens. 

If you’re a girl who’s reading this, feel free to share it with, you know, every single boy you’ve ever met. Or just one, I’ll settle for it just getting into the hands of one guy. 

Let me know if you have any more things to add to the list, there are probably infinite ways to woo a girl… am I right ladies??

Thanks for reading! 

behind the 'gram

RANDOM STUFFChloe Gordon3 Comments

Instagram is weird if you think about it. It’s kind of like a life highlight reel, mixed with a diary, mixed with a whole lot of filters and hashtags and captions. It’s weird to think that so much thought can go into one, seemingly, simple picture. It’s also sad how much time I spend on the planning of an Instagram post. I try to think about the color scheme, the framing, the subject matter, the filter, the lighting, the caption, the hashtags, and then if I should or shouldn’t push the photo to Twitter. So much goes into one picture. 

I was recently tagged by Jamie from The Fashion Newcomer to post never posted Instagrams, but I usually delete the pictures that don’t make the cut so that I can make room for new pictures. So I decided that I’d post a behind the ‘gram post. Now, I’ve done this kind of post before, but you all seem to enjoy them for the most part so here goes yet another one. I hope you enjoy.

dang clementine

Dang Clementine 
I had an independent study class second semester this past school year and I basically got to come up with my own projects for the class. One of my projects was to continue working on my calligraphy so I brought all my supplies to school. As I was writing I was also simultaneously eating a clementine that happened to be disgusting. Then, I was stuck with inspiration for what ti write. I initially just posted this picture to my snapchat (it’s chloeg1 if you want to see me embarrass myself) but I decided it was good enough to make the Instagram cut. 

scotland skyline

Scotland Skyline
I went on a school trip to Scotland for spring break and it was absolutely amazing. One of the days we visited Edinburgh and my friends and I climbed to the top of the Gothic Rocket. We had to go up hundreds of steps via a seemingly never-ending circle staircase and by the time I got to the top all I wanted to do was sit down. But the view was so beautiful. As I took this picture I was so extremely worried that my phone was going to fly out of my hands because it was so windy, but I managed to capture this photo, keep my phone in my hands, and enjoy the scenery. Props to me for restraining my clumsy self. 

hubert's lemonade e

Poolside Lemonade 
My friends and I adventured to the pool a few days ago, and we decided to bring our own lunch (aka buy lunch from Whole Foods). One of my friends and I decided that we were in the mood for a trendy drink and Hubert’s Lemonade caught our eye. Right when we got to the pool, I made my friend take a picture of our Lemonades. I took at least seven pictures at different angles and different ways of holding the bottle before I settled with this one. It then took me forever to figure out which filter to use. 

Instagram is an art form, I’m telling you. I’d love to read your behind the ‘gram post, so feel free to post one of your own and leave a link to it in the comments!
Thanks for reading! 

senior year reflection

RANDOM STUFFChloe Gordon4 Comments

Caroline from Citrus and Style just wrote a great blog post on her junior year reflection. In fact, it was such a great post that I decided that I should write a reflection of my senior year. Senior year was honestly my most favorite year of high school. I don’t know if it’s because I was finally back in “real school” after two long agonizing years of online school, but whatever the reason, it truly was the most amazing year yet. While it was amazing and great and fun, I did learn a few things in the process. 

st. andrews beach

So here’s what I learned…

+Be friends with everyone. Each person at your school, however seemingly weird, has something so cool about themselves and something you can most definitely learn from them. Whether it’s the band geek, the math prodigy, or the super poplar and supposedly stuck up girl, they are all cool in their own individual ways. Don’t get caught up in trying to surround yourself with a certain “type” of friend group, because in the end, everyone is actually really cool.
+Grades matter, but don’t stress ‘till your breaking point over them. Don’t waste your time away studying for something ridiculous. Obviously,  try your best and do your best, but don’t put so much pressure on yourself. If you don’t get an A+ on a math test, don’t beat yourself up. Just go to some extra tutoring sessions or try harder next time. I spent the first three years of high school absolutely paranoid over my grades, and this year I didn’t, but everything still worked out perfectly. 
+Don’t get caught up in having to have a boyfriend or a significant other. If it happens, it happens, but don’t harp on it. Boys are dumb. Well, most boys. Go on a few dates, kiss a few boys, just have fun with it. 
+Stop caring what other people think. This is clearly easier said than done, but if you enjoy reading alone at coffee shops, playing a weird sport, or posting dumb videos of yourself on your Snap Story, just do it. Who cares what everyone thinks? You do you, flawlessly. 
+Spend time with your family. Of course they annoy you, but next year, in college, you won’t be able to just chill on the couch and watch a dumb movie with your dad, go shopping with your mom, or go on fun random adventures with your brother. Don’t take family time for granted! 

So there you have it. A list of five things to remember for your senior year, or just life in general I guess.
What’s something you learned from your senior year of high school? Any advice for me for college next year?

Thanks for reading! 

diy s'mores pops

RECIPESChloe Gordon1 Comment

There is a constant, agonizing battle between my brain and my stomach. My brain so desperately wants to be healthy/fit/lean but my stomach constantly craves carbs/dairy/sweets. It’s an endless struggle. Even though I hopelessly want my brain to be the winner of all internal duels, my stomach usually ends up winning. Ice cream after a long day at the pool? Absolutely. Eating a big brunch with friends instead of making it to the 11am spin class? You betcha. Skipping the s’mores dessert because “I shouldn’t?” Not happening, give me all the s’mores. 

That being said, my cousin recently had her bat mitzvah and at her party they were passing around these cute little s’more pops. They were basically a marshmallow dipped in chocolate and then dipped in graham cracker on a stick. I had one and I was hooked. I needed to eat every single one of them. Imagining them throwing the extra pops away left me feeling light headed and a little sweaty. I probably ate nine or ten, give or take, and could’ve easily eaten way s’more. (hehe couldn’t resist the pun)

Now that I’m home, these pops have been consuming my thoughts. They’re seriously all I can think about. I told my mom about the conundrum that I was facing and she suggested that I make my own. I know my mom is a smart woman, but I didn't know she was that smart. Of course I should make my own. It would be easy, cheap, and allow my stomach an endless source of happiness… forget my brain. 

s'mores pops
melting chocolate
smores pops diy
diy summer smokes pops

So if your stomach is anything like mine, you should most definitely make these for yourself. You won’t regret it, I promise. 

Ingredients for the S’more Pops: 
Graham Crackers
Dark Chocolate
Sticks (to stick the marshmallows on)

-First start by crushing your graham crackers. The smaller the crumbs the better. I just put the big pieces in a plastic bag and crushed them up with my hands. It should look like a sand-like consistency 
-Second, put your marshmallows on the stick. The stick should be right at the top of your marshmallow but not all the way through. 
-Third, melt your chocolate. I used a small bowl and put it on top of a boiling cup of water. This kept the chocolate melted and kept it from burning while I dipped the previous marshmallows. 
-Fourth, dip your marshmallow into the chocolate. Let the extra drip off before moving on to the next step.
-Fifth, dip your chocolate covered marshmallow in the bowl of crushed graham cracker. 
-Sixth, place your coated and covered marshmallow on a plate and once the plate is full, stick it in the fridge for a little while. 
-Seven, eat! Aka, the best step. 

And there you have it. A perfect summer treat. Let me know if you end up making them! 

Summer Blogging

RANDOM STUFFChloe Gordon1 Comment
 It’s been a while since I’ve posted, and I sincerely apologize for that. Ever since I started back in “real school” blogging took the back burner. I think it’s mostly because I was trying to focus more on in person relationships and trying to catch…


It’s been a while since I’ve posted, and I sincerely apologize for that. Ever since I started back in “real school” blogging took the back burner. I think it’s mostly because I was trying to focus more on in person relationships and trying to catch up for missed things that I just physically couldn’t do when I was sick. So for that, I apologize. But at the same time, I think being selfish every once in a while is ok. I think it’s ok that I made new friends and hung out with them when maybe I should’ve stayed home and written a blog post. I think it’s ok that I maybe focused on school work instead of taking pictures for an outfit post. It’s ok. I’m not going to stress over it. But now I’m back and better than ever. 

    Summer is officially in full swing. The weather is perfect. The sun in shining. The pool is calling my name. My bike is being ridden again. Ice cream tastes better than it ever has. Oh how I’ve missed the three best months of the year. I also will be working this summer at a local golf course. I’m going to be a counselor helping teach younger kids golf, and I’m so excited. I think it’s going to be the perfect summer job because I get to be outside, I get to be around fun kids, and I get payed for doing what I love. However, since I only work four to five hours a day I’m going to try to focus a lot on blogging. If you have any post recommendations feel free to let me know and I’ll try my hardest to write the most interesting version of that idea possible. 

Thanks for reading! 