
Apple, Brie, and Arugula Toast

EXTRAS, RECIPESKim & Chloe5 Comments

I’m obsessed with cheese. It’s starting to become a problem.  When I order food at an Italian restaurant I always ask for parmesan cheese with a side of pasta. I don’t order “chips and queso” I order “queso and chips.” The first aisle I walk down in Costco is the cheese aisle because it’s simply the best. Embarrassingly enough, I sprinkle a little cheese on everything I eat; watermelon and feta do taste amazing together, I swear. Ever since I discovered brie though, I’ve realized that no other cheese compares. It’s creamy, it’s flavorful, and it tastes good for breakfast, snacks, lunch, appetizers and dinner. It’s just the perfect cheese. My mouth is literally watering as I type about it.

A few years ago I discovered the apple + brie combo and I can honestly say that it’s the best food combo to ever be invented. It’s better than chips and salsa, milkshakes and french fries, and cream cheese and lox. No exaggeration. Then, just recently, I realized that slapping the apple and brie onto a perfectly toasted piece of bread and adding a few pieces of arugula would be the best of the best. Apple, brie, and arugula toast is amazing. It is, it really is. I gobbled up the piece of toast pictured below like a caveman who walked the entire Bering Land Bridge without eating (that's probably impossible, but it made for a good simile).

So if you’re feeling a little hungry, you just want to make an amazing piece of toast, you want to show off your gourmet lunch to your friends at school, or you want to impress a family member with your mad cooking skills then stop reading this (after you comment, that is) and go do it. I promise you won’t regret it. Actually, you probably will regret it because you will want to make an entire loaf of bread’s worth. But it’s totally worth it. I'm not exaggerating when I say that apple, brie, and arugula toast is the best of the best.

All you have to do is slice an apple, slice some brie, and place a little bit (or a lot a bit, depending on your taste buds) of arugula on a perfectly toasted piece of bread. It's that simple. Dangerously simple as I like to say.

How sick is this clear Magimix toaster (c/o) that we used? I swear it makes the perfect golden brown piece of toast. Every. Darn. Time. And you can see through it. Plus (yeah there are more perks...) the toast pops up high enough that you don't have to worry about burnt finger tips.

If you do make this toast then be sure to post a picture of it and tag us (@popcosmo)!! We really want to see your creations!!

xox Chloe

Five Things I learned as a New York City intern

EXTRAS, RANDOM STUFFKim & Chloe11 Comments

picture via

hey, hey, hey!

Long time no talk, am I right? Well I'm back at it. Finally. Being a New York City intern is exhausting (and super amazing, educational, and fun at the same time) and I didn't have any time to blog. I'm writing this while sitting on my airplane on my way home from my month long adventure in New York City and I don't even know what to think. I had so much fun, got a little homesick, worked hard, and spent way too much money at way too many coffee shops.  And I learned a lot too. I decided that I should share a list of what I learned during the month of living on my own without my mom, dad, and brother.

Are ya ready?

If yes, then yay.

If not, then go grab a trendy coffee.

ONE: New Yorkers really do wear all black. It's like there's a constant funeral occurring in the city. I have to admit, I started dressing like a New Yorker and found that all black is awesome. Especially if a waiter/waitress spills your lunch all over you. Or if there's a random rain shower (I'd rather not be a part of a wet t-shirt contest, thank you). Or if you get really sunburnt and want to look less like a lobster and more like a chic upper east sider. Or if you're so tired and don't want to have to worry about what to wear to work. All of these lessons were learned from experience, mind you. Plus, if you wear all black then everything in your closet automatically matches.

All black is basically a win, win, win, win, win (etc.) situation. Yep, Mom, you were right.

TWO: New Yorkers abbreviate everything. Lulu Lemon is just Lulu.  Bed, Bath, and Beyond? It's just Bed Bath. The word dinner is just "din." And don't even bother saying definitely, totally, ridiculous and amazing in their entirety. They are simply, def, totes, ridic and amaze.

THREE: Soul Cycle is as amazing as people say it is. Thankfully I didn't try a class until my last day otherwise I would have blown my entire life savings on a spin class every night. Think dark rooms, screaming instructors, getting extremely sweaty, and loud music. Now that I type that it doesn't sound as appealing, but trust me, it was fab (see, I'm so New York).

FOUR: Food is really expensive. I thought that I would be totally fine with the amount of money that I brought along for my trip, but I was wrong. Fancy restaurants in Kentucky have meals that are anywhere from $12-$25. In New York City, a casual restaurant is the same, if not more expensive. It’s insane. But, all the food is so yummy. And the bagels really are better.

FIVE: New York City is the most inspiring place. I know you’ve probably heard it before, and you’re going to hear it again, but NYC is a place where motivated people make their dreams happen. Everyone has a twinkle in their eye and a pep in their step and it makes it that more fun to be a part of such an inspiring and motivated environment. I can definitely see myself getting my first job in the city after college.

So there ya go, five things I learned while in New York. I know they aren’t that crazy original, but whatevs. I hope you’re having a great summer, and if you have anything that you’ve learned this past month and feel the need to share it with me, then please comment below!!

xox Chloe

Smart Girls Conference Recap

BLOG TIPS, EXTRASKim & Chloe4 Comments

If you follow us on Twitter (if you don't, then go follow us!! you definitely want to join us for #ChicChat on Tuesdays at 9EST!) then you would know that last week I had the chance to attend the Smart Girls Conference in New York City. I was able to go on behalf of Dormify to help work the booth and spread the word about who we are (you know, the cutest college & dorm decor EVER!) and I also was able to hear the speakers, well, speak. There were some amazing people there, from Shiza Shahid, the CEO & Co-Founder of the Malala Fund to Carly Heitlinger, from The College Prepster. Everyone had a different insight into what it is like to be a powerful woman, and it was seriously so inspiring! I also love that The Smart Girls Conference embraces "the power of smarts & the power of sisterhood" supporting working together to make everyone stronger instead of competing against each other. I'm lucky to have a group of blog friends that feel the same way, and besides being encouraged by all the powerful women speaking, I also had the chance to meet some of these blog friends in real life for the first time. Like I mentioned in my recent post, meeting blog friends is so cool. They understand that it takes 100 shots to get the right Instagram picture, that wearing the right outfit really is very important, and they just get the blogger's life. Since I had so much fun I decided that I would just share a whole bunch of picture with you guys. I hope you enjoy!!

onetwo six four five1

Oh and in case you’re wondering, the girls pictured (aka the sweetest girls ever) are Sammy from The Preptista, Frannie from the Blonde Prep, Caroline from Citrus & Style, and Sloane from Sailing the Sea of Style.

Hope you had a great weekend too!

xo ~chloe


How #vamping makes me smarter


So my new word of the week is #vamping. The New York Times says my teens are doing it (although I swear they are not). I do it occasionally. My husband never does it. Ever. what is #vamping

No, #vamping is not the '90's definition of being a little ostentatious, but rather pulling an all-nighter hanging out on-line and, in my case, ending up somewhere very, very distant from where I started. As I was reading the NY Times article about what teens are doing, I realized that not much has changed since when I was a teen. I felt the need to read the article since I have 2 teens so I need to know what they are up to in case I'm missing something when I'm busy, uh... #vamping. But I'm not. It's the same idea of "get off the phone" except now they need to stop texting, or "stop reading and go to bed" which hasn't changed, except add that kids now need to stop watching videos, tv, Snapchatting, scrolling through Instagram, etc.

The difference: life is digital, but isn't it somewhat similar?  But what I didn't realize until I started writing this, was that I do learn some things when I #vamp late at night, which I'm sharing below with you. Maybe they are actually learning something of value too. A mom can only hope.

So that's where my brain goes... from healthy to practical to ridiculous to, you guessed it, shopping.

How about you... do you ever #vamp or just get distracted while browsing?

xo ~kim


A fierce makeover show is about to be B.O.R.N.

EXTRAS, RANDOM STUFFKim & Chloe24 Comments

The better you know me, the more you know I love my reality tv. Classy reality tv, which I do not believe is an oxymoron, is my favorite - you know the kind you watch and think: I should get in shape and run a 10K next week, or learn to sew so I can whip up a dress made out of crushed soda cans and hula hoops, or start a wedding cake business. The reality tv that makes me think, "why am I sitting on this couch when I could be doing something useful?" And something I've always wanted to be was a stylist. Combine fashion, giving my opinion, and making people look better? Count me in!! So a show about a bunch of lovable couple of guys and a gal living my dream is going to be high on my list, especially when it's premiering on the new network, FYI (FYI = for your imagination, innovation, and inspiration). My kind of network.

B.O.R.N. to Style - cast image

And B.O.R.N. to Style is my kind of show!  B.O.R.N. to Style premieres Tuesday, 7/15 @10p EST, on FYI Network. I'm hoping Chloe even has a chance to stop by the B.O.R.N. shop in Harlem while in NYC and meet Jonathan Bodrick, the storeowner and a definite fashion maven, or any of the other stylists: Brandon Hood, JJ Langan, Kristen Brown, Terry Artis or Devin Stokes.  I can't wait to see who ends up being my favorite, but Jonathan has some standout style -- that's him in the front with the gold sneakers and the hat that would make Pharrell happy. And did I mention that this show looks like it is all about happy and inspirational? Check it out:


How about you... any tv shows you are catching up on this summer or any recommendations for me? Will you be watching B.O.R.N. to Style? Even the tagline to "B.O.R.N. to Style: Your Makeover Needs a Makeover" has me excited!

xo ~kim


Disclosure: This post was sponsored by FYI Network through their partnership with POPSUGAR Select. While I was compensated to write a post about B.O.R.N. to Style, all opinions are my own.

Bucket Bags

FASHIONKim & Chloe12 Comments

hot bucket bags for 2014 via New York

While Chloe has been in fashion mecca this summer, I've been settling in, unpacking boxes, and traveling with my son for sports. Needless to say, fashion and blogging have taken a backseat to family. I've asked Chloe to fill me in on what she's noticed on the streets of New York, always one of my favorite ways to spot new trends. While bucket bags are not a new trend, they are heavily in rotation among the fashionistas in the city this summer.

These are a few I'm taking a look at, with some budget options thrown in the mix. Since I recall this trend from when I was a teen, I'm not sure if I'll be jumping on the bucket bag bandwagon, but Chloe wanted a few options, so I pulled together a few for her... along with some that just caught my fancy.

cute bucket bags via Peace Love Shea

The go-to Mansur Gavriel ones above are everywhere in a mini size, although I'd call it manageable one since one that's too big simply becomes a dumping bag for moi, but here's a budget version that has gotten great reviews. And procrastinators rejoice since this Tod's version is 50% off and available to our European friends too! Perfect for fall is the calf-hair bucket bag in leopard. I would absolutely rock it with all black, but I've most definitely been wearing leopard with prints and love the juxtaposition. If you want to stray from leather, this tan nubuck version is so sumptuous, or check out this leather look budget option by Target. And if you decide to invest and splurge, then why not go with this vintage Chanel piece in impeccable shape and glorious texture? It's also available in peach. Yummy.

Are there bucket bags in your future (or present)?

xo ~kim