
to shave, or not to shave

BEAUTYChloe Gordon1 Comment

A few days ago, Man Repeller posted about waxing (like removing body hair kinda waxing) on her blog. At first, I thought it was weird and something that shouldn’t be shared with thousands of people on the internet. And then I stepped back and thought about it. Why can’t it be shared? Every single human has hair on their body, and most women remove most of their hair. Do we do it for ourselves, for significant others, for our friends? Who knows, well we each personally know, because we each have our own preference. Which is kind of cool to think about. 

There are the girls who shave everything, every where, everyday. 

There are the girls who shave most places, occasionally.  

There are the girls who shave some places, for special occasions. 

There are the girls who don’t shave at all, unapologetically. 

I’m more the first named category. I was the girl in third grade who was made fun of by the boys for having hairy legs. In fact, I think I had more hair on my legs at the time than they did. I should’ve probably responded with a, “well you’re a boy, why don’t you have hair on your legs.” But I was confused and insecure so I started shaving when I was in fourth grade. Ever since then, I’ve been a nightly shaver. I’ve lost the insecurity aspect of hairy legs, but I’ve become accustomed to the smooth leg kinda life. 

There’s definitely not anything wrong with having hairy legs, or unshaved legs (however you want to phrase it). I guess what I’m trying to say is that I think it’s interesting how each person has their own preference, and there’s nothing wrong with each preference. You do you, you know? 

So now that my shaving cycle has been released upon the internet, feel free to share your thoughts on shaving. I’d love to hear the reasoning behind it as well! 


first impressions

College, RANDOM STUFFChloe Gordon1 Comment

I used to have a blog (well actually, it’s still on the internet somewhere) where I wrote about embarrassing stories that so frequently seemed to happen. For some reason, people liked this blog. I like to think it’s because my stories were so relatable and open and honest, but in reality I think it’s because people liked to laugh at a stranger’s unfortunate events via the internet. Either way, it doesn’t matter, I still got those pageviews, ya feel? ;) 

    Anyway, I haven’t written on that blog in a while, not because nothing embarrassing has happened lately (because a day doesn’t go by where I don’t embarrass myself), but because I just haven’t had the time to keep up with two blogs. Then, I recently, I asked myself why I had two blogs in the first place. I don’t know why I felt so nervous to share embarrassing stories on PopCosmo. Maybe because this blog has more viewers? Maybe because my dad reads this blog? Who really knows. 

Today marks the first day in history that I will be sharing an embarrassing story on here. This blog. This blog that’s read by more people than solely my cousin and a few select others. Are you ready for this? I mean you made it this far in the post so you might as well read the story..

The other night I went to dinner with two of my friends. We hadn’t seen each other in a while and we felt the need to catch up and tell each other stories (the good and the bad) about what has happened over the summer. Everything was going great until we started talking about technology and our phones, which eventually lead to us talking about our text ringtones. 

Coincidentally, one of my friends had just changed her text tone to a Jurassic World dinosaur roar. I thought it was half cool and half lame, but I wanted to hear what this text tone actually sounded like. So, of course, I texted her. Since she was sitting right next to me I just texted some scrambled letters, “gnirebj.” But for some reason, the text wasn’t going through. So I sent another, “gurejnlsk;a.” That once didn't go through either so I continued to text three more messages of jumbled letters to my friend in hopes of hearing a dinosaur roar. I then joked around and said something along the lines of, “I hope I didn’t send those texts to the wrong person…” 

Turns out I did. I sent five gross — as in “not english” — text messages to the wrong person. And who is this “wrong person” you might ask? None other than my roommate to be for next year, my first year of college. My roommate who I have yet to meet or have an actual conversation with. Way to start impressions out on a good note. Props to me. Awesome work. Always proving myself. I then continued to text my roommate, “omg I’m so sorry!!!” Which rendered no response. 

In the end, I learned two important lessons; one, always make sure you’re texting the right person. Especially when you’re sending gibberish text messages. And two, Jurassic World ringtones aren’t really worth hearing in the end.

my college essay

CollegeChloe Gordon5 Comments

One of the hardest parts of the college application process is writing the essay. THE essay of your life. The essay that, in merely 500 words, describes you, your personality, and your life. I can’t even begin to tell you how many drafts of my essay I have. All of which are completely different, might I add. Because I’m going to college this coming fall (have I mentioned I’m going to college this coming fall??), I decided that I would share my college essay. Not because I think it’s amazingly well written and creatively processed, but because I think it would have been nice to see other people’s essays before I wrote mine. I was so desperately in need of seeing what an actual college application essay looked like, but to no avail. So if you’re a rising senior in high school and currently creating drafts upon drafts of essays, I’m your heavenly angel from above sending you an ounce of love by showing you mine. 

But no judgements allowed, thank you. Unless it's a good kind of judgement. 

Anyway, here’s my essay: 

My high school career has been one for the books; some might view it as a failure, but I choose to view it as taking the unconventional path. Five years, three high schools, two cities. Maybe unconventional is an understatement. I had never imagined my life to be so… different, but sometimes different is a good thing. Being different has allowed me to see the world from a new perspective. It has allowed me to better understand new situations in my life and around the world. I have become more open minded due to my “failure” to have a “normal” high school career. 

    Before my high school years became so weird, for lack of better word, I was stubborn. I thought that the world revolved around me, and I didn't think that anything could bring me down. I was fearless, and stupidly naive. Then I became ill with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS). And the world changed. It didn’t change for the worse, but it changed, and it became this completely new place… I started to see people differently; I became more understanding, patient, and open minded. I was also to discover my love for graphic design and photography. So maybe I “failed” to stay healthy, but in my mind I won.

    But what even is failing? Sure, I can look in the dictionary and find that it means “a weakness or a shortcoming,” but what does it really mean? It might mean that you can’t do something that everyone else can do, but the word fails (pun intended) to mention what you can do. For example, one might fail to follow a juice cleanse, but maybe this same girl discovered her love for Flamin’ Hot Cheetos in the process. The word failure, to me, is a huge fail within itself. 

    No, my high school education isn’t “normal.” Yes, I am “different.” But I feel like this difference makes me, well, me. This so called failure has opened my eyes to a different world.  A world where every person has a story that should be heard, a world where positivity is important, a world where I can be myself without worrying about what other people think. Becoming ill created, what felt like, an insurmountable road block and caused me to take a detour to a different path, but this path has Flamin’ Hot Cheetos and graphic design. So tell me, who failed? 

So maybe I’m crazy for sharing my college essay with the world, but what the heck. If your essay is available for reading, please let me know because I’d love to read it! 

Thanks for reading!

indoorsy turned outdoorsy

Chloe GordonComment

I’ve always considered myself to be a pretty indoorsy person. I enjoy my bed, my couch, my room, my roof. I enjoy living a mosquito free lifestyle. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I truly love sunbathing next to an ocean or taking a leisurely stroll outdoors, or sitting on my porch. But I’ve never been such an adventurous outdoorsy person. However, the other day, a friend asked me if I wanted to join her on a hike and I said, surprisingly, “yes.” It was great. 5.2 miles of pure nature, pure clean air, pure non-indoorsyness (I apologize for making up words, I don’t think bloggers are supposed to do that). 

Anyways, I actually enjoyed it. And coincidentally, my dad is “training” for a 14-er that he has to do with his co-workers and all of their summer interns. I put “training” in quotations because he’s not really training, he’s just practicing so that he doesn’t embarrass himself in front of his intern. So this past weekend he asked me to accompany him on a hike at the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs. I didn’t actually want to go because his plain entailed waking up at 6 o’clock on a Saturday, but I agreed, and I’m so glad that I did! It was seriously so beautiful and worth the early call time. 

I took a bunch of pictures, because while I might be outdoorsy now, I’m still addicted to technology. Enjoy the scenery through your computer. Hah, caught you, you’re actually an indoorsman too ;) Unless you're reading this post on your phone while thriving out in nature, then in that case that insult/comment is not meant for you.  

garden of the gods
colorado springs
garden of the gods colorado springs

pre-college is hard

CollegeChloe Gordon1 Comment

College is a topic that I haven’t really talked about on here. I don’t know why I’ve shied away from actually talking about it, but I think it’s mainly because I have absolutely no idea what college entails. I mean yeah, I’ve seen movies about it, read books about it, met my parents college roommates, etc. But, I’m the oldest kid in my family so I don’t really have a brother or sister’s experience to learn from. And quite honestly, I feel like I’m going in blind. 

Applying for college was way easier than the stage I’m in now. Sending in final transcripts, enrolling in classes, finding a roommate, figuring out housing and meal plans, finding a time to buy stuff to decorate my dorm room, and deciding what to take to school and what to leave home. It’s all so stressful. In fact, it’s so stressful to think about that I’ve been avoiding thinking about it all together. I mean, I’m doing what I need to do but I’m trying to keep most of it out of m brain completely. College is weird, I’m telling you. 

I’ve decided to compile a list of helpful websites that I’ll eventually get down to studying/cramming in my brain. But for now, I’m just enjoying the sweet, sweet summertime before I need to start really worrying about what comes after the daunting world of college. And if college is daunting, I can only imagine what adjective there is to describe the after college experience. Ya feel? 

A Compilation of Guides for the Unaware Upcoming College Freshie 
for decorating my dorm room like a boss
8 week guide from move in 
15 dorm room essentials 
ultimate college packing list / another awesome packing list
a personal reflection of a first year in college
how to get along with your roommate 
things you didn’t know you would need in college
some freaky and weird hacks for college… 
advice for college students 
first day of classes guide

There you have it, a guide of multiple guides to college help. Does that even make sense? No? Ok, whatever, I’m still keeping that sentence in. I hope this helped you out, and I will certainly be writing all about my college experience once it happens. But for now, I’m going to continue to not worry about it. 


RANDOM STUFFChloe Gordon1 Comment

I mentioned this a few posts back, but I’ve been having a lot of boy complications lately. It’s mostly because I realized that they’re being jerks and I’ve been standing up for myself and it’s been leading to arguments and misunderstandings. I think boys are just so shocked whenever a girl actually stands up for themselves that they don’t know how to respond and they ultimately end up saying things that they hopefully don’t mean. 

Even though boys are stupid, I’m so thankful to be surrounded by awesome girl friends who have been so supportive and helpful. We’ve been joking around saying that, by standing up for myself, I’m becoming the ultimate feminist. And that got me thinking, what even is a feminist? I feel like,especially lately, there has been kind of a stigma around the word. 

So here’s an outline between what I believe an actual feminist is vs. the stigma surrounded feminist 

-stands up for herself
-believes men and women are equal in every way
-let’s gentlemen be gentlemen if she wants to (open doors, pay for meals, etc.)
-doesn’t have anything against the color pink 
-wears a bra because she wants to not because she has to
-you, me, and every other girl out there (because what girl doesn’t think that women are equal to men??)

-hairy arm pits 
-smells like patchouli oil
-only homosexual 
-doesn’t believe in wearing bras 

Just because some people don’t really know the definition of “feminist” doesn’t mean that you should shy away from your beliefs or apologize for thinking men and women are equal. Both genders have a right to say what they think, be paid fairly for their job (not according to their gender), and have equal rights. The stigma surrounding feminism is dumb, untrue, and totally worth making fun of because it’s highly entertaining. 

Are you a feminist?
Do you stick up for yourself when a boy is being a cotton headed ninny muggins?

Thanks for reading! 