
Clarisonic : Mia Fit

BEAUTYChloe GordonComment

One of my favorite parts of my day is showering. It takes me a lot of will power to work up the effort of actually getting into the shower, but once I’m there, I could stay for hours. It’s a little mini oasis in the day where you can just get lost in your thoughts and think about everything. 

I’m in a class called Creative Concepts this semester and, like the name suggests, it’s a class based and surrounded by thinking creatively. We have a ton of different projects that really get the creative juices flowing. For example, we had to create advertisements for Tinder, invent three new products (they could be absolutely anything), and also come up with the branding for a new beer. 

Most of the projects are done in pairs so we almost always have a partner to bounce ideas off of. I love working with other people on these projects because it allows me to get to know other people and how creativity works in a way. It’s funny though because when I ask most people when and where they get their ideas they almost always say, “the shower.” 

I don’t know if it’s just a college thing but almost all of us are more creative when we’re in the shower. It might be because this is literally the only time we have alone, but it could be something about the moldy white walls lit up by florescent lighting that really get us to be creative.

When I was sent the Clarisonic I was super excited because it meant that I could have an excuse to stay in the shower even longer than I already do. I used to have a Clarisonic Mia when I was in high school, and I loved it to death. I never had acne and I honestly think I have the Clarisonic to thank for it.  I’ve used the Mia Fit a few times and I absolutely love it. It seriously leaves my face feeling softer and cleaner than ever. I will most likely still be raving about it when I’m on my death bed — I’m that in love. 

Christmas is coming up and if you’re in need of some extra shower time or an acne free face — or both — I totally recommend putting it on your wish list! 

Thanks for reading! 

Silver Linings

Chloe GordonComment

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about people lately. I’m not sure what it’s inspired by, if by anything at all, but it’s been on my mind a lot. I love people, learning about them, knowing what inspires them, what they’ve experienced (both the good and the bad), what their family is like, what their favorite things are, etc. 

Maybe this makes me weird. Maybe it just makes me curious, but I find it so interesting. I think what makes me most curious is the fact that not everyone is “nice.” Some people are selfish or insecure and this in turn leads to a negative cloud surrounding them. 

My friend and I were talking about negativity at dinner the other night and she said, “you know, it’s ok, the good outweighs the bad… I think.”

I think she is right. I think we are living in this amazing world with amazing people. If you look hard enough there are so many more good things than bad things. No, I’m not living in this bubble of ignorant naivety, I just think it’s important to spend more time looking for and seeing the good aspects than the maybe not so great ones. 

Sure, maybe I failed a test the other day, but I learned that I need to study harder next time. 
ure, my throat hurts a lot today, but I don’t have strep throat and the doctor that I saw was really nice. 
Sure, I really need to do my laundry and really don’t want to, but that procrastination has led me to write this post. 

I used to roll my eyes when my mom or teacher would say something about “silver linings.” I thought it was dumb and insignificant, but let me tell you, those silver linings are how you get through life. They’re how you stay optimistic. They don’t make you ignorant or naive, they make you positive and happy. 

Silver linings make the world go round. 

Thanks for reading.

Be Radiant

FASHIONChloe GordonComment

Girls have it rough. Not only do we have to deal with crippling patriarchy on the daily, but we have to deal with things like makeup, stupid people, and periods too. I mean, don’t get me wrong, down with the patriarchy and up to the rise of feminism, but in the moment, periods feel much worse. 

You have to deal with the pains of PMS, the constant worrying of leaking through, and just the overall miserableness that it endures. It’s literal hell. No joke. Not kidding. 100% serious. 

But you know what I discovered that makes life so much better so that we can conquer the effects of the patriarchy? Tampax Radiant Tampons. When you find something that works you stick with it. You live by it. They’re up to 100% leak free which leads to less stress and more time for fun. 

My friends and I went to the pumpkin patch this past weekend. Instead of worrying the whole time I was able to live fully in the moment and enjoy time with my friends. I could wear whatever I wanted without having to worry even a little bit, ‘period or not.’ We had a great time just getting off campus and enjoying the warm weather. It was so worth the 30 minute drive. I definitely recommend hitting the pumpkin patch with your friends. It also makes for the perfect backdrop. Take my word for it. 

#WearWhatYouWant // #BeRadiant
I’m sharing #Tampax in my life as part of an Tampax sponsored series for Socialstars™ 

Thanks for reading! 

Advice On Confronting Your Fears

RANDOM STUFFChloe GordonComment

Fear is something that we all have to deal with at some point in our lives. Overcoming those feelings can feel really challenging. In fact, many people avoid facing their fears as a way of coping with them. 


However, if you can be strong enough to face down fear it can be a hugely positive experience. If you manage to achieve that, you will come through it a stronger person.

This can be true with all-consuming anxieties as well as those smaller, niggling aversions. And taking on lesser fears can be a way of dealing with bigger challenges in life. Although, when it comes to fears, individual differences are always at play. 

Perhaps you don’t like the idea of speaking in public but have a presentation to make at work. Or maybe you are totally terrified of the dental check-up in your diary and it's giving you sleepless nights. Some people’s fears can feel trivial to others - like a fear of spiders or an intense dislike of people chewing food. That’s the thing about fear; it affects different people in different ways.

However, whatever you’re afraid of, there are many different coping strategies for dealing with and overcoming fears. Here are just a few tips on how to cope with what gives you goosebumps, in a bad way.

Challenging your fears

1. Study the evidence

You might be afraid to swim in the sea because you’ve heard about recent shark attacks. Maybe you developed a fear of flying because of the chance of a mechanical breakdown.

With these kinds of fears, if you look at the statistics - the evidence of how rarely things actually go wrong - you can use your common sense to reduce your anxiety. 

The truth is that with most physically-based fears, you’re more likely to get injured on the road than anywhere else. If you spent your life avoiding potentially dangerous situations, you wouldn’t have much of a life left at all. 

2. Put yourself to the test

The longer you avoid the things that you fear, the greater your anxiety will become. Whether you are afraid of going in an elevator or have a fear of flying, you need to gradually challenge yourself to try these things. 

Would using an elevator or an aeroplane make you far too panicky for you own good? Remember that there are ways to build up to this - including therapies such as hypnotherapy or cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).

Other coping methods use virtual reality (VR) simulation - where you can experience the thing you fear, without jumping straight into the reality of it. When you’ve built up a coping strategy and managed to deal with the VR version of what you fear, you can challenge yourself to move to the next level.

3. Use the ‘what if’ technique

What’s the worst thing that could happen if you faced your biggest fear? If you had to speak in front of fifty people and you stammered your way through it, would the world come to an end? No. Instead, you’d feel a sense of satisfaction that you’d stood up and done it. Even though you honestly didn’t want to. The next time, it would be so much easier; you might even start to enjoy public speaking if you did enough of it.

Addressing the symptoms of fear

1. Take a breath

When we’re anxious about something, our heart rate increases and we begin to hyperventilate. In this situation, do all that you can to remain calm. One easy way to get over a sense of panic is to focus on your breathing

Stand still. Take in slow, deep breaths. Focus on the passage of each one. This will enable you to become calmer as you forget the focus of your fear and concentrate on the action of breathing. Once the sense of panic has diminished, you’ll be able to approach your trigger more rationally.

2. Use visualisation

Another way to counter anxiety or fear is to use visualisation techniques to think about somewhere you would feel relaxed and calm. Or a 'safe space' as it's commonly referred to. 

It might be your bedroom at home or a beautiful scene from somewhere you’ve been on holiday. Allow the visualisation to dominate your thoughts for five whole minutes and the positive vibes will enable you to relax.

3. Talk it through

By sharing your fears, you can reduce the power they have over you. Talk to a friend or family member about what causes your anxiety. You’ll find that they may be able to help you look at your fears more rationally. 

We can’t escape having certain things that cause us anxiety or fear - we wouldn’t be human if we could. But what each of us can do is take a proactive approach and embrace the challenge of facing down fears rather than burying our head in the sand. 

Thanks for reading! 

Art Progression

CollegeChloe GordonComment

I think I’ve mentioned this pretty often, but I’m majoring in Strategic Communications and minoring in Technology, Arts, and Media. This semester my classes are very creative based. 

We’re talking Film, Photography, and Web Design along with a Crime and Society and a branding class. While these classes are at the peak of my interest and they’re the stepping stones to my future, they’re hard. Really, really hard. I don’t know if it’s because art is a tricky thing to get a grade for or if it’s just the idea of learning and honing in on new skill sets, but my grades this year are lower than last year when I was taking mostly core classes. 

I’ve always been the kind of person to make good grades. I’m not saying it came naturally, but I studied and made the grades I wanted to. My school work felt like it was in my control all the way until this year. My photography class is super fun, don’t get me wrong, but I just got a 70% on a project I thought I did well on. 

It was a little heart breaking because I feel like when your art work is graded lower than you think you deserve it’s a personal thing. Math is a yes or no answer, but art is like a yes, no, maybe, sometimes, here and there, up and down, left and right, all around kinda answer. It’s hard to grade and even harder to hear the grade. 

This year especially I feel like I’ve gained a deeper appreciation for art and all of the thought and hard work that go into it. I’ve decided that I’m going to start sharing a few of my projects on here so you guys can see the progression of my artwork and thoughts and feelings. Also so I can look back and see the progression, but I’m trying to not be too selfish. 
Kidding, but not really. 

So for my photography class, the first project we had was to photograph a series of three with the theme of “life, in-between, and death.” I first thought about what represents our lives as humans and then I thought about how each year to celebrate another year of life we celebrate through cake. I then thought it would be cool to photograph the life, in-between, and death of cake itself and this is what I came up with: 

The next project we had was to take an old family picture and put ourselves into it. I decided to take a picture of my great grandmother and her friends and put myself on one of her friends faces. I then placed us into the quad at my school so it was like me in their lives but also them in my life. A weird little project. 

The next one was on the topic of surveillance and how we, as humans, are always being documented even without out knowledge. We had to go out and take pictures of random people and then put them into a snapshot that we took from google images of the same place where we took our “stalker pic.” I then edited mine to look a little more “surveillance-y” and here’s what I came up with: 

Thanks for reading! 

My Wednesday

CollegeChloe GordonComment

Yesterday morning was a typical day. The leaves were falling off of the trees, ready for the fall crispness to settle in. Homework was on my mind in a pressing way. I was giggling with my friends about stories from the past. I had enchiladas for lunch. The day was my oyster. I was soaking it all in. 

In the afternoon, my best friend and I decided to camp out in the library until dinner time. We both had things to study for, projects to work on, and online quizzes to take. We packed our planners and laptops and headed to campus from our sorority house. Campus was busy, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. It was Wednesday, nothing ever happens on Wednesdays.

My friend and I made it to the library, settled in near the front entrance, and opened up our laptops. Not five minutes after sitting down we received a text in a group message from our friend saying, “Is everyone in a safe place?! Potential active shooter at the UMC.” 

(The UMC is the most populated place on my campus. There’s a dining hall, a coffee shop, the bookstore, the spirit wear store, offices, there was a job fair going on there during this too.)

My friend and I got the message at the same time and looked at each other at the same time in a state of panic. 

We started to realize that everyone else around us was also getting messages, voices started rising from library level chatter to full force panicked conversations. People started running into the library from outside and other buildings. 

Time froze. Everything froze. Everything felt unreal. 

We hear about shootings way too often, which is absolutely disgusting. But we never expect that we’re going to be in that kind of situation, and when we are it’s terrifying and paralyzing and absolutely unreal. 

The library was put on lockdown, and my friend and I moved from the front entrance area to a fourth floor classroom to hide and stay out of the main chaos. We didn't really know what was going on, no one did. 

After they released us from the lockdown, my friend and I rushed back to our house. There were media crews, camera crews, and armed police everywhere. People were either absolutely silent or on the phones with loved ones. It was weird. I keep saying it was unreal, but it’s because we really felt like we were in a dream.

Later we found out that it was all a “hoax” (words used by the school) but it felt all too real to be a hoax. Everyone is still on edge, and no one knows what really happened. I am so lucky and thankful that nothing happened and that no one was harmed, but this situation shocked me — and my entire university — into realization that we’re not immune to this kind of thing. Obviously, you can’t live your life in fear of bad things happening, but it’s important to be aware of everything. 

My friend and I didn’t know what the right thing to do was. Should we have gone home before they put the library on lockdown? Should we have waited longer before going home? Should we have gone to the fourth floor classroom at all? There were a lot of unknowns which I think was the scariest thing. I’ve never felt more responsible for my own actions before.

I’m not trying to scare anyone by writing this post, I just want to spread awareness that these kinds of things happen and it’s important to understand what to do if they do happen. Don’t panic, be smart, and don’t put yourself in any situations that you can avoid. 

Most of all, trust your gut, I know you’re smart. 

If you want to read more about this specific event here is a link:


Thanks for reading! 