
zach. chapter 1.

Chloe GordonComment

Boys are weird. I didn’t have my first kiss till I was super old and I didn’t have my first boyfriend till I was even older. I like to blame it on the fact that I moved so often and no boy ever got to know “the real me,” but I know for a fact it was because I was brutally shy and awkward and didn’t know why any boy would ever want to be with me. 

But, I can now confidently say that I’ve moved past the days where I was literally unable to even speak to a boy that I thought was remotely cute. Like even a simple “hello” was too difficult to muster out. In high school I would take a different route around the building so I wouldn't run into my crush because I was literally afraid of him. But, in honor of my awkward boy days I’ve decided I want to tell the story of how my boyfriend I met. 

So here it goes…

In February of this past year I was broken up with. It wasn’t a bad breakup but the guy I was dating told me that he didn’t see us getting married and therefore didn’t want to date any more. At first I was confused because, one, why would anyone ever want to break up with me (kidding) and two, we were dating for like four months so why was he even thinking about marriage? To be honest, we should have been friends the whole time, but those are the kind of things you only learn in hindsight, cause it's 20/20 you know. 

Anyways, I had never been broken up with before that so my confidence was definitely bumped down a few levels. In order to gain my confidence back, all my friends suggested I download Tinder just for the heck of it. Obviously, I had nothing to lose at this point so I went to the app store, downloaded that pesky app, uploaded some photos, and made my bio a Dwight Schrute quote; “How would I describe myself? Three words: hardworking, alpha male, jackhammer, merciless, insatiable,” to be exact. Looking back, that probably made me seem like a grade A weirdo to pretty much everyone but again, hindsight is 20/20. 

I had a few matches here and there, a few tried and true office fans message me, but nothing crazy. Then one day, I got a message along the lines of, “I hate the office.” And I was enthralled. I responded, “I know you’re lying because if you hated it you wouldn't know my bio was an office quote.” And those were the two messages that made us fall head over heels for each other. 

Hah, kidding. Super kidding. 

So anyways, we messaged back and forth for a while and then decided that we wanted to meet in real life. 

Which is terrifying. 

First thing that I was worried about was that I was getting catfished by a freaking murderer, second fear was “what if he thinks I’m cat fishing him and I’m not, but like my pictures, what if I don’t actually look like my pictures and he thinks I'm cat fishing him because I'm 20 times uglier in real life.”

I guess I wasn’t too scared though, because we decided to meet at a bar, which was my idea, and here’s why. One, I could go with my friends. Two, it was a very public space. And three, if he was weird or creepy or anything I could just run away or hide in the bathroom and he wouldn't notice too much. 

To be completely honest, I had never been more nervous to go to a bar in my entire life. I was worried I didn’t look like how I looked on Tinder, and I was worried he was going to be a murderer. Which are basically the two scariest things in a college girl’s life, not to be dramatic, but I was a panicked mess. 

I remember getting to the bar earlier than we had decided because I wanted to be the first to see him and gage the whole murderer thing. And I remember seeing him. He was for sure the tallest guy there and for sure cuter than he looked on Tinder, which freaked me out even more. I felt like I was back in high school scared to death to walk into Spanish class because my perfect crush would be in there. How could I be in the presence of someone so perfectly cute, huh?????? Since I saw him, I obviously couldn’t just walk up and say hello because that’s weird and forward (not sure why I was so afraid of saying hi, but I was, back to the hindsight thing) so I waited until he texted me asking where I was, “by the DJ, obviously!! Where are you?”

“By the ping pong dispenser,” he nonchalantly responded. I played dumb, didn’t respond and then I looked over and saw him walking towards me. My first thought, “Do I wave? Do I walk up to him and say hi? Do I run away?” But then he was the brave one and said, “You must be Chloe.” 

And the rest is history. Hah, kidding again.  



I’ve decided while writing this that it’s going to be too long to fit into one post so I’ve decided to make it a little chapter story type thing.


Check back soon to see how this whole first interaction went. 



idk what anything means

Chloe GordonComment

Life is fucking weird. Mom, if you’re reading this: one, I’m sorry for saying the word “fucking” and two, well, that’s really all. 


Moving on. Life is fucking weird. And not in the way that we eat plants and call it salad. Or that in America we walk / drive on the right side and in London they do it on the left. Well, now that I’m thinking about it, that’s pretty weird too. But, I’m talking about the kind of weird that is inside our minds. Us humans are weird. I’m weird. And since I know myself best I’m going to talk about myself and maybe if we’re lucky it’ll apply to you too, because apparently, in the blogging world at least, that’s the kind of content people like. 

I’m weird. I just took a shower and realized how weird I am. Why did I realize this in the shower? Because the shower is the place I think the most. I think, mentally, I get my most deep and philosophical in the shower. What did I learn just now?  I’m a huge contradiction. I change a lot, year to year, month to month, day to day, and even hour to hour I feel like I am ever changing. As I was showering I realized how many internal thoughts I have that I never share, but I also talk a lot. That’s a contradiction in itself, isn’t it? If I have a lot of internal thoughts, but also talk a lot, what am I even talking about? Nothing interesting, probably. 

Internal thoughts are weird. I’m not sure if anyone is actually reading this, does anyone care about me enough to actually read this website on the internet? I don’t know and I don’t care, the reason I write on here is because I like to look back through my posts and see what I was thinking. So here’s what I’m thinking right now: 

I’m tired but not tired enough to take a nap because I just drank a lot of coffee because I have work in an hour and then I’m driving down to my boyfriend’s home home which is like an hour away. 

I wish I was a better writer because when I started this blog post I had a lot to say and now as I’m writing I don't think any of this makes sense or flows or anything. Which defeats the whole purpose of the post in general because I was just writing about how I talk a lot and have a lot of thoughts… another contradiction? 

I’m currently laying (lying? idk) on my bed in a robe with soaking wet hair wondering where on Earth I thought this post was going. 

I just re-read this post and it makes absolutely no sense but I love it. 





I’m now ending this blog post.

Just Be

Chloe GordonComment

A few semesters ago I had a guest speaker in one of my huge lecture classes. It seemed like most of the time the guest speakers for this class (an intro level class for my major) all had the same advice. “Do what you love, and you won’t work a day in your life.” Or even, “I just got lucky and that’s how I ended up in this dope kick ass executive position.” But this specific guest speaker told us the cold hard truth: "making it big in the creative world is fucking hard" You have to work hard to make it big, and honestly, who are you trying to make it big for?

I loved his brutal honesty, lack of sugar coating, and true “grin and bear it” attitude. When he said his favorite book was The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand I knew I had to read it. I put it off for like six semesters until now, but I finally started it. And you know what? I wish I had started earlier, not only because it’s really long and who knows when I’ll finish it, but also because it’s really inspirational. I’m only like 20 pages in ( (call me a fake fan, I dare you)  but so far it has a lot of quotable lines. I think the one line that I like the most is when the main character talks about who will stop him from doing his creative thing and asks his professor why he can't create new and innovative things.

So often I think we are motivated to accomplish certain things by certain times based on what certain people think. It’s sometimes very hard to pave your own path, but when you do it’s very rewarding (not that I really know because I have yet do actually do so). 

So anyways, as the real world is starting to creep closer and closer, I decided to promise to myself to pave my own path. To do creative things for myself only. To do things I want to do, for myself only. To just be, without the approval needed from anyone else. 

And with that promise, the other day I went on a little picnic with one of my littles from the sorority and we captured a few pretty pictures along the way.

Summer Goal

Chloe GordonComment

This is the first summer that I’ve been away from my family. The first time that I’ve felt like a “real adult.” Where meals aren’t ready for me after work, where if my friends are busy or working or with other friends then I have to entertain myself. Where my parents aren’t telling me to make my bed, take out the trash, or stop being lazy. 

And you know what? It’s made me miss my childhood. I thought this summer would be the most magical summer of my life. I thought the freedom would be glorifying. That the lack of structure and rules and chores would be literal heaven. But, if we’re being honest here, I miss my mom nagging me about getting all my chores done. I miss my dad making annoying jokes to the waitress about how much he hated his meal even though he basically licked the plate clean. I even miss arguing about who gets the car with my brother. 


Growing up is hard. It’s exciting, and thrilling, and super fun, but it’s also a lot of change. Change is hard, change is weird, but it’s also super necessary. Sure, I have one more year of college left (thank goodness) but for some reason I can’t stop thinking about what my life is going to be like after college. Where will I live? Where will I work? Will I live alone? With roommates? In a city? Will I be happy? It’s a lot to think about. 

Long story short, while this summer is only just starting, I feel like I’ve learned a lot. I’m learning to be happy spending time alone. I’m learning to look at the positive, especially when it’s the hardest. I’m leaning how to entertain myself. I’m learning how to be alone with my thoughts (something I’m not good at doing). I’m learning a lot about myself. So while this summer is the first summer without my family, it doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy it like I always have in the past. 

So here’s to making this summer amazing, even though I’m a “real adult.” My summer goal is to make the most of every moment, even if that moment is just enjoying sitting on my porch or couch doing nothing at all.

My Gals

Chloe GordonComment

I can’t put my finger on the reason why, but lately my friends and I have been very sentimental. I think as our junior year of college is winding down and we’re gearing up for senior year, we realize how fast our time together has flown by. 

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We all met through college, none of us knew each other before and I think that’s one of the reasons why we truly treasure our friendships with each other. My friend group is small, strong, and very familial. We treat each other like sisters. We love each other endlessly, we bicker often, and we ALWAYS have each other’s backs. 

I was talking with one of my best friends the other day about how much we love our friend group. We were saying how, since we all live together, we’ve come to be more than friends. We’re family. And I know that sounds extremely cheesy, but there’s something special about living in a house with five of your best friends. You learn more about yourself than you ever thought possible, and therefore learn about each other, so much so that we might know each other better than we know ourselves. 

It’s a weird dynamic. I love my friends more than I think possible. We each have our strengths, our weaknesses, and our priorities, but somehow we mesh flawlessly (even on the days we all seem to be fighting). There are the ones of us who chat about anything, always. There are the ones of us that are the silent glue that keep the peace between us. There are the ones of us that can always light up the room when others are down. We’re just, well, us. 

I know I have another year with these gals, but honestly, I want more. The first three years of college have flown by, and I can’t even imagine how fast this next year is going to go. 

Here’s the best friends. Here’s to college memories. Here’s to the future.

Live in the Moment

Chloe GordonComment

I think sometimes, we go through life living for the future. In middle school all we want is to be in high school. In high school all we want is the freedom of college. In college we just want to live a life without homework and studying. It’s this dreaming of the future that keeps us from living our best in the moment. 


Sure, I’m guilty of laying in bed waiting for time to pass. I’m guilty of not enjoying the moment because all I can do is dream about how great the next hour or tomorrow or the next day is going to be. But, I’m challenging myself to enjoy every little second and every little moment. For example, last night I was walking to meet a friend. Usually, on my walk all I do is think about how excited I am to get to my destination and see my friend. But this time I changed my mindset. I enjoyed my walk through campus. I took in all the buildings, the people, the stars in the sky. It was one of the best walks I’ve ever been on. It allowed me to feel more peaceful, more content, and more inspired by the moment. 


So next time you find yourself wishing away the present because you’re so involved in focusing on the future I challenge you to pause. Pause your thoughts and become content with the moment. Breathe. Think. Be Mindful.