I have an addiction to the internet. THERE. I said it. Do you care? Hmm, probably not. Do I care? Obviously. This is my blog after all. See, that’s where I think it’s interesting. I have an addiction to the internet because I love looking at people’s lives. I mentioned it in my last post, but I’m nosy. And, on the internet, people share. And people want you to be nosy because they like the attention. The clout. The importance. So the internet is truly this endless loop of sharing (sometimes oversharing) and being nosy. It was meant for people like me. And, if you’re reading this, it was made for people like you, too.
I’m still developing a fake thesis for why we perpetuate this endless internet loop, but for now, I’m just going to continue to perpetuate it. I encourage you to do the same. Stay a while! Soak it in!
Today I’m sharing a few of my favorite bits and pieces that I’ve found on the internet lately. I have an addiction so I have a lot to share, but I’ll do my best not to overshare. Unless you want me to. In that case, DM me a list of posts you’d like to see and I will surely deliver. Because I’m not a regular blogger, I’m a cool blogger.
Ok enough of that. Here they are:
CHUNKY EARRINGS : I’m obsessed with earrings. I’m not a huge jewelry gal, but earrings get me good. Anthropologie especially. I’ve rounded up a few favorites though so you can fall in love with oversized ear baubles too. The obsession is more fun when you’re sharing it. Like cheese platters.
chunky silver hoops | funky gold ones | funky colorful hoops | the cutest blog chunky hoops | dreamy creamy
INSTAGRAM ARTISTS: Instagram can and will always be a place where people share their highlight reel. However, it will also be a place where artists share their most raw and real pieces. I’ve been thinking of it as a Modern Museum of Squares lately, and I’ve found some amazing artists. Here are their links if you want to see something other than that random girl’s posts.
David Shrigley | Mari Andrew | The New Yorker Cartoons | CB Hoyo
HAIR CARE: I have a lot of hair issues. It’s something I could dedicate a whole post to, and I probably will soon. I recently was bored so I did some research on great hair products and I came across this Shine Mist Hair Spray from Dry Bar. Let me tell you. It’s amazing. Ah-mazing. It gives your hair that after salon feel that I literally thought was impossible to do myself. And it’s simple, just spray and go. My kinda routine.
Shine Mist Hair Spray
THE OFFICE: I’ve already watched it once, but here I am watching it again. I don’t know what it is about the show that makes me chuckle out loud to myself every three minutes, but it happens. And it continues to happen. If you don’t like the show, we can’t be friends. We need to have the same sense of humor to keep our relationship strong, supportive, and secure. Ok? Get watching. NOW!
That’s all I have for today, but thanks for reading.
Talk soon,