
something unspoken

Chloe Gordon

I read this quote the other day that said “Don’t you think there is always something unspoken between two people?” And it made me think. It made me think so much, that it’s been a good five days since I read it and I’m still thinking about it.

I think because it’s one of those things that’s so true but it’s an unspoken truth. I mean, there’s something between me and everyone I speak to or meet or Not in a romantic way, of course, but there’s a shared moment in time that you share between that person that will never happen again. The certain mood you’re and they in at that exact moment in time will never happen again. You and their collective experiences up to that particular moment in time.


I don’t know. If you think about it long enough it’s pretty cool. Even though it’s unspoken, you share something special with everyone you come across. There’s a reason for them being in your life at that moment, even if it passes, even if you don’t speak, even if you never see them again. I don’t know if you’d call it fate, or destiny, or what. In fact, fate and destiny are something that I push my boyfriend to discuss with me way too often, but that’s a story for a different day.

Anyway, think about why certain people are in your life at a certain time. What’s even more fun is to think about why people were in your life at a certain point that you may no longer speak to. What lessons did they teach you? What was that “unspoken” thing between you?

Thanks for reading

non-makeup makeup

Chloe Gordon

After living in the south for a little over a year, I’ve come to the realization that, as far as makeup goes, I’m an odd (wo)man out. I don’t know how to wear makeup. The idea of it genuinely scares me. I’m afraid that if I try to wear more than I do now that I’ll look like some weirdo try hard clown. Ok, that’s a little dramatic, but I do not know how to apply it, how to pick out the right shade or brand, which brush is for which product. Ugh, there’s so much that goes into it.

So, I thought I’d share my “makeup” routine for those of you that like to wear as little as possible. If I don’t shower before work, I can be dressed and ready in 15 minutes. It’s that simple.

Let me first say that I’m not too savvy with the different types of brands of makeup. However, I did discover this one brand called Milk. It’s a vegan line, but, initially, it was the packaging that caught my eye. As a graphic designer, I’m a sucker for great packaging. So I tried out this thing called “cooling water” to help reduce puffiness in the morning and I’ve been using it every day since I bought it. I then loved that product so much that I decided to purchase the under eye concealer as well. To be honest, I tried Milk’s mascara, but something about it just didn’t do it for me. I think it was too clumpy or something, but I wasn’t a die hard fan of it.


Anyways, here’s my step by step.

  1. Apply Milk’s cooling water under my eyes.

  2. Apply Milk’s under eye concealer

  3. Curl my eyelashes and apply moisturizer to my face (not at the same time, obviously, but back to back usually!)

  4. Apply whatever mascara I’m trying at the moment (I have yet to discover MY perfect mascara, so I just keep buying different ones and hoping for the best. This one right now isn’t my favorite, but it isn’t the worst.)

  5. Apply pencil eyeliner under my eyes (I think this is stereotypically a RAWR XD thing, but I think it works for me so we’re just going to keep going for it.)

And that’s it. If I’m going somewhere fancier than just work, I’ll apply a dash of Glossier’s cloud paint and mayyyybe some lipgloss, but that’s it. I could probably just do without any of it and no one would even notice, but hey, it’s the little things.


Do you have a mascara recommendation? Or a brand of anything I should try? I’m such a sucker for wanting to be a makeup guru, but then reminding myself that I’m probably just hopeless when it comes to makeup…

Thanks for reading!

neutral tones and the best jeans

Chloe Gordon

While it’s still quite warm here in the south, fall is amongst us. I keep saying how slooooow March to July felt and then how fast July to October has felt. It might be because I’m back to work and not working from home anymore, but something about these weeks seem to just fly by.

I mentioned a few posts ago that I’ve been doing Rent The Runway unlimited, but I’ve found myself using it to try out more trends and colors, because, usually, I just wear and purchase more classic and neutral pieces. Because of that, I’ve rounded up a few of my fall finds for you. They’re all reasonably priced and definitely perfect for fall going into winter. Mother Denim is the most expensive item on the list, but I promise you they are well worth the price tag. I got my first pair of Mother Denim going into my freshman year of college and I still love them and wear them as if they were new.

Anyways, enjoy the little boutique below and I hope you find something to add to your closet! Happy shopping!

Thanks for reading.

I Know Your Future

Chloe Gordon

Yesterday when I was carpooling home from work with my coworkers, one of them asked if we believed in ghosts. It was me and two guys in their thirties and I answered “yes” before they had a chance to respond to the question. If you had to pay me money on their beliefs, I would’ve paid good money that there was no way ever that they believed in them.

I was wrong.

They both had strong feelings that ghosts are real and then we started sharing stories and it was super fascinating.

For my college graduation, my mom gifted me a set of Tarot cards. Obviously, Tarot cards are different than ghosts, but I still think it all falls in the same world. Anyways, to this day, it’s one of my favorite gifts that she’s given me. I love the conversations they bring, along with the feeling of finding answers and clarity that maybe just a regular conversation wouldn’t bring.

Wanderers Tarot

I brought them to my retail job in college and read my co-worker’s cards after we closed the store one day. It was seriously one of the most memorable reads I’ve ever done. I don’t want to divulge her personal story, but the reading brought her to tears. She had me do a reading without telling me what she wanted to know or giving me any details about what she had been going through in her personal life. What the cards were able to bring out was fascinating. I’ve since moved from Colorado, but occasionally we’ll do FaceTime readings together and they’re so fun!

I don’t know much about the Tarot Card world and I have a ton to learn about my own deck, but if you’re on the fence about buying a deck, I highly recommend!

If you ever want a reading from me feel free to DM me on Instagram and I’d be happy to do so!

My deck is from Wanderer’s Tarot and I can’t recommend it more. This post isn’t sponsored, I just love the brand so much. Each card is beautifully crafted and the silver edges bring the cards to a whole new level. Casey is the owner and she offers readings so I might have to look into that! I’ll for sure report back. I also am going to purchase the guidebook right after I publish this post so that I can learn more about what each card means!


So, even if you don’t believe in ghosts, or if you do, I recommend looking into the Tarot world. It’s a fun thing to do now, especially if you’re in the market for learning a new hobby. This is for sure a killer party trick — and you have plenty of time to learn before the next party lol!

Thanks for reading!

Emily In Paris

Chloe Gordon

Everyone on the internet has been talking about the show Emily in Paris that recently came out on Netflix. Usually, I’m not one for cheesy rom-com shows. They typically annoy me and I always find myself grabbing my phone, and then, before I know it, the show is over and I’m deep in the Instagram black hole that I know you’ve all been in at some point too.


I not so secretly have been loving Emily In Paris. I don’t know if it’s because it’s so cheesy it’s good. Or because I used to intern in an advertising agency and can kind of relate to what’s going on in her office space. Or if it’s because I like to see the French culture and scenes. Or if it’s because it’s 2020 and I need something light hearted and easy to watch. Whatever the reason, I’ve been watching it non-stop. Cheesy? Yes. Good? Also yes. Oscar worthy? Absolutely not.


I started wondering why this show brought me so much joy last night, and I think it has something to do with the fact that I’ve been living my days on repeat lately. I don’t know about you, but I wake up every single morning at the exact same time. I eat the same breakfast. I watch the same news program that always has the same headlines. I go to work and do the same thing every day. I go home and do the same workout. And then eat dinner and go to bed at almost the same time every night.

It’s only repetitive because of Covid, because I know that if times were normal I’d have more of a social life and I’d be able to travel more and feel less nervous doing more adventurous things. So I think this show is giving me what I’m missing in the real world without reminding me that we’re living through a pandemic. For whatever reason, I don’t watch it and think about what I’m missing, instead I think about what’s after this whole pandemic mess.

So yeah, we’re living life pretty repetitively lately, but one day this whole mess will be over and it’ll be a thing of the past that we, hopefully, look back and laugh about. But, in the meantime, I’ll watch all the cheesy shows and movies I can find. Emily in Paris included.

Rent The Runway

Chloe Gordon

I’ve always been a saver. Sure, I like to go shopping and buy new things. But, at the same time, I feel calmer when I know I have money saved in my bank account. The only time that I really feel the true “shopaholic” rush after a purchase is when I invest in new stock. Nerd? Maybe. Actually.. yes.

But, while I might be a self-proclaimed nerd, I also value fashion and clothes. How does someone who likes to save more money than they spend keep up with the trends and purchasing new clothes, you ask? Rent the Runway. It’s literally a gift from heaven and to say I’m obsessed is an understatement. I’m going to a black-tie wedding at the end of the month and I always rent dresses for these kinds of events. I was looking on the site scrolling for a dress and I found something about the Unlimited package. I read more into it and it seemed like it was worth it since I knew I had to rent two dresses coming up for the wedding anyway.

Well, to say I’m hooked is an understatement. I’ve been trading clothes in and out like crazy and I highly recommend it to you. It’s perfect for work, it’s perfect for this time of year when seasons are transitioning, it’s perfect for events, it’s perfect for trying new trends. I could go on, but I’m sure you get the point.

Here are a few pictures of things in my most recent order. I haven’t had an issue with anything not fitting properly, but I spend a lot of time reading customer reviews and looking at customer pictures of girls that have similar body types to me so that for sure helps with sizing!

I’ll link the Rent the Runway link as well as where you can purchase each item if you choose not to rent!

That’s all for now, but I’ll be sure to share what’s in my next shipment.

Thanks for reading!