
stress relief

CollegeChloe GordonComment

Finals week is quickly approaching and my stress levels are quickly rising. 

However, recently, Keurig reached out to me to see if we were interested in reviewing one of their brewers and I had to sit down when I read the email because the pure shock and happiness factor made me feel faint-y. 

Coffee in college is no joking matter. The dining hall constantly runs out because us college kids are addicted. Literally. Coffee is the gold of college campuses. 

Having my own supply of coffee in my dorm room sounded like a dream, and the fact that Keurig could make my dream a reality was just absolutely 100% amazing. Words literally can't do it justice. I'm actually sitting on cloud nine as I sip my coffee and write this post. 

The best part about the Keurig 2.0 is the fact that it fits in my dorm room, right on my desk. It's a cute, bright, little addition to my room that I couldn't imagine not having. If you're about to go to college or know someone that is, I HIGHLY recommend taking a Keurig with you. Not only will you be happier, but you will make friends just owning one of these things... especially during finals week. Take it from a pro. 

Check it out here! 
