


CollegeChloe Gordon2 Comments

What comes to mind when you think “college.” 

Animal house? Drinking problems? Too much school work? Stress? The Freshman 15? Excitement? 


College is kind of weird if you think about it. You’re on your own, but also not really. You still have your parents support, you don’t really have to worry about “adult” things yet, but you still get all the freedom and independence that you craved oh so much during high school. 

I’m now about to go into my Junior year of college and as I’m writing this I’m sitting in my house thinking of all the things that made me nervous going into my freshman year of college. From what to pack, to what I would wear to class, to how the heck I would find my classes on the first day of school, to making friends, to understanding college parties and lifestyle. There were SO many new things. So many weird things that I never could have prepared for. It was a whole new world. 

I want to answer some questions about college for my past (pre college) self, from my current (almost upper class man) self. So here we go…

How do I find my classes? 
Walk around campus in the few days that you have before school. Don’t be afraid to ask for directions either. Everyone on campus was once new and in the exact same boat as you and will be more than willing to help you find your building and class room within the building. 


What do I wear to class?
Whatever your little heart desires. Whether that be a cute little dress and sandals or a big t-shirt and leggings. You do you. Just rock it confidently, that’s all that matters. 

Are parties super intimidating? 
They are what you make of them. Talk to people, don’t be shy! Don’t be afraid to say hey to that one person who sits three rows and five seats down in front of you in that random core class. They probably want someone to sit next to in class too — also who doesn’t like meeting someone at a party to end up helping each other in class. But also be aware, don’t take random drinks from random people. Don’t be dumb. I would recommend drinking at a pre-game (or in my case, in your dorm room with friends) before going to the party so you don’t even have to drink once you get there. That way you know your alcohol is safe and clean. 

Those are obviously just three little questions from a long list that I had, but I feel like the answers can be applied to a lot of things: don’t be afraid to ask for help, be confident, and be aware. 

College is the time of your life. The time to learn who you are and who you want to become. It’s fun, it’s an adventure. 

Thanks for reading! 

Conquering Self Doubt

College, RANDOM STUFFChloe Gordon1 Comment

I’ve always known that I want to do something creative with my future. I don’t know exactly what this creative thing is, but I know I’m not cut out for being something conventional like a doctor, lawyer, or engineer. It’s not in my DNA, I thrive on being creative. 

However, this past semester, I started to doubt myself. I started wondering if maybe I’m not as creative as I thought. I started questioning my originality and my ability to think outside the box. It got to be so bad that I stopped pushing myself. I stopped trying new things, I stopped thinking creatively. I suppressed my “weird” thoughts and feelings.

I think I started to doubt myself because I stopped trying new things. I felt trapped in this bubble of repetitiveness. Wake up, class, eat, sleep, and repeat. I felt like I was in this cycle of never ending boringness. 

Every once in a while its so important to break the cycle and get out and do and see new things. 

A few days ago, during the first big snow of the year, I forced my friends to drive up to the mountains and take pictures. We’ve been to this spot before, but I needed to get my creative juices flowing and experience the beauty of nature with my friends. 

And you know what? That half hour of being creative and outdoors was just the wakeup call that I needed. I’m back to myself, and that’s how I know I’m not pursuing the wrong path. I’m doing the right thing with my life and future and everything is going to be fine and workout just like it’s supposed to.

Thanks for reading! 

Clarisonic : Mia Fit

BEAUTYChloe GordonComment

One of my favorite parts of my day is showering. It takes me a lot of will power to work up the effort of actually getting into the shower, but once I’m there, I could stay for hours. It’s a little mini oasis in the day where you can just get lost in your thoughts and think about everything. 

I’m in a class called Creative Concepts this semester and, like the name suggests, it’s a class based and surrounded by thinking creatively. We have a ton of different projects that really get the creative juices flowing. For example, we had to create advertisements for Tinder, invent three new products (they could be absolutely anything), and also come up with the branding for a new beer. 

Most of the projects are done in pairs so we almost always have a partner to bounce ideas off of. I love working with other people on these projects because it allows me to get to know other people and how creativity works in a way. It’s funny though because when I ask most people when and where they get their ideas they almost always say, “the shower.” 

I don’t know if it’s just a college thing but almost all of us are more creative when we’re in the shower. It might be because this is literally the only time we have alone, but it could be something about the moldy white walls lit up by florescent lighting that really get us to be creative.

When I was sent the Clarisonic I was super excited because it meant that I could have an excuse to stay in the shower even longer than I already do. I used to have a Clarisonic Mia when I was in high school, and I loved it to death. I never had acne and I honestly think I have the Clarisonic to thank for it.  I’ve used the Mia Fit a few times and I absolutely love it. It seriously leaves my face feeling softer and cleaner than ever. I will most likely still be raving about it when I’m on my death bed — I’m that in love. 

Christmas is coming up and if you’re in need of some extra shower time or an acne free face — or both — I totally recommend putting it on your wish list! 

Thanks for reading! 