I know I've told you how fond I am of this purple coat before, and this year I'm wearing it almost daily. It's lightweight, but warm; has a portrait collar that adds a bit of style to an otherwise simple silhouette; the collar makes an impromptu hood for once charming, now exasperating snow showers, and the texture adds contrast to my mostly bland outfits. And since I tend to wear neutrals, the dark purple adds a subtle pop of color I'm always craving. But what I find interesting is that I'm not at all drawn to the color purple (my husband surprised me with this coat). It reminds me of one of the schools my kids attended where the principal didn't like the color purple, and actually forbade the children and teachers to wear it -- we were warned during our interview at the school. I kid you not - he would publicly call them out if they wore it! While I found that practice despicable and never mentioned my dislike of purple out loud since I didn't want to endorse this practice, I privately agreed that purple was low on my personal Pantone list of desirables. Which is why I find it startling that I now own not only one, but two purple items that are in heavy in rotation of favorites right now.
Which goes to show that I should never state my dislikes out loud, because who knows when I'll change my mind! Next thing you know, I'll be wearing orange or yellow….
Any surprise likes in your closet?
coat: Cole Haan | jeans: J.Crew | shoes: Fratelli Rosetti