
unconditional love

Chloe GordonComment

I want to talk about my sorority for a second. Before you go rolling your eyes, just know that sororities aren’t like how they are perceived in movies, TV, and even the news. Sure, we have social events and a lot of us are very social in general, but my sorority means a lot to me. And don’t you worry, my family makes plenty of fun of me when I get sentimental or cheesy about it, but it’s the truth. 

I have a lot I could say about how or why it means so much to me, but I’ll share about my sorority “family” first. If you’re not familiar, when you join a sorority you’re given a “big” and then when you’re a sophomore you get a “little” and then your littles get littles and so on. I’m lucky enough to have an amazing family which is a very special thing.

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I happened to hangout with my G-Little today in between classes because I randomly had to go to my sorority house for a second and bumped into her. We ended up talking in the hallway and then her room for over an hour and it was wonderful. You know when you connect with someone and want to be there for them and know that they’ll always be there for you as well? That’s how I feel about my whole family. I hope they know how special they are to me, and having these people in my life is something I don’t take for granted. 

So if you’re in my GPhi Fam and you’re reading this, know how much I appreciate your friendship and unconditional love and know that I’m always here for you no matter what. 

Thanks for reading