
It Always Works Out How It's Supposed To

Chloe Gordon

As usual, it's been a moment since I've last posted on here. But, unfortunately, it's been so long I don't even know where to start, and I don't know if anyone even reads these posts anymore.


But, if you, dear reader, are reading this, know that I'm about to fill you in on so many things you might need to take an intermission. Not really, but you get the point. Six months is a lot to catch one up on, even just with the highlights.

But let's begin where I left off. February. Six whopping months ago.

Six months ago, I quit my job. Six months ago, I left my first job. But, as much to a surprise to maybe my family, and definitely my previous boss, I found a new position in two weeks, during COVID.

But, not only did I find a job, I found a job I love and adore that gives me perks such as freedom to work from home, work from my parent's house, and work from my boyfriend's home. Plus, as long as I'm bragging here, I'm doing what I love. Previously, I was not. And as much as I'd love to get into the nitty-gritty about why I left the old job, I've been told that the internet is no place to go secrets. But, because I know inquiring minds wonder (if anyone is actually reading this), just know that if you Google, "how to know if you should quit your job," you'll learn more about why I left.

Moving on.

Not only did I start a new job, but I've been able to visit my boyfriend more often, I went to Miami with my college best friends, I finally saw my parents who live in New York, and I went to Colorado with my boyfriend and his family.

If there were a SparkNotes for this post, which there isn't because I'm no Shakespeare or Sylvia Plath, all you'd need to know where that the three words that could wrap up what you've missed are: flexibility, happiness, and joy.

Life, despite living in a still COVID-infested world, has been good. And because I'm superstitious and don't enjoy jinxing anything, I'm not going to go as far as to say it's been perfect, but things have fallen into place.

After college, right when I graduated, everything was crazy. I didn't have a job, didn't know where I wanted to live, and had just broken up with my boyfriend. I was lost, confused, startled, afraid, and every other word that describes the unknown.

So, sometimes, even though the unknown can be scary, you have to sit back, do what you can, and trust that everything will work out just as it's supposed to. Because it will, it always does.